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Theneeds Web Discovery

How to find good content online

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Theneeds is the best place to discover news, articles, videos, social posts, and more, tailored to your interests.

In a nutshell, Theneeds scours the web so you don’t have to, constantly learning about your interests, and bringing you only the web you love.

Theneeds pulls from thousands of sources, from top sites to cool blogs, social networks, and people just like you, and its advanced AI technology constantly learns from your activity to get smarter and more relevant the more you use it.

Enjoy the best content from The New York Times, CNN, Huffington Post, YouTube, Vogue, Rolling Stone, and thousands more, in one single place.

  • Theneeds results are based on what you have actually liked, read and engaged with over time.
  • You will find expected and unexpected results—both are a good start for creating better content.
  • You can also just choose one of the general options to find out about what’s happening now. That is helpful when you need to keep up with what’s going on in your niche.

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