A to Z of Social Media Prompts for Authors

A to Z of Social Media Prompts for Authors (Part 4 U-Z)

Authors do you need some Social Media Prompts?

Are you getting bored with social media or stuck in a social rut? Don’t worry, it happens to us all, so I’ve put together a list of 26 Social Media prompts to inspire authors to connect with your readers via your favourite social network.

Social Media is an invaluable tool for authors, but sometimes you just need a little bit of inspiration or change in approach, to reinvigorate your engagement.

Here’s part four of my 4-part series of pinnable images that covers the A to Z of Social Media Prompts.

U is for Unplug

A to Z of Social Media Prompts for Authors

V is for Value
A to Z of Social Media Prompts for Authors

W is for WebsiteA to Z of Social Media Prompts for Authors

X is for X-FactorA to Z of Social Media Prompts for Authors

Y is for YouA to Z of Social Media Prompts for Authors Z is for ZZZZZZz
A to Z of Social Media Prompts for Authors

Pinterest IS for Authors!A to Z of Social Media Prompts for Authors

Here’s links to the rest of the Social Media Prompts for Authors:

All pins are also posted on my “A to Z of Social Media Prompts” Pinterest board.